Processing Pain: Research, Lived-Experience, and Compassionate Pursuits Sharif1 Bey. 2016. Processing Pain: Research, Lived-Experience, and Compassionate Pursuits. Studies in Art Education. 57(4):372-374.
Looking Forward, Looking Back: Collective Memory and Neighborhood Identity in Two Urban Parks Sofya Aptekar. 2017. Looking Forward, Looking Back: Collective Memory and Neighborhood Identity in Two Urban Parks. Symbolic Interaction. 40(1):101-121.
The Early Gentrifier: Weaving a Nostalgia Narrative on the Lower East Side Richard E. Ocejo. 2011. The Early Gentrifier: Weaving a Nostalgia Narrative on the Lower East Side. City & Community. 10(3):285-310.
The End of an Idyllic World: Nostalgia Narratives, Race, and the Construction of White Powerlessness Michael Maly, Heather Dalmage, Nancy Michaels. 2013. The End of an Idyllic World: Nostalgia Narratives, Race, and the Construction of White Powerlessness. Critical Sociology (Sage Publications, Ltd.). 39(5):757-779.
Everyone knew everyone: diversity, community memory and a new established–outsider figuration Lars Meier. 2013. Everyone knew everyone: diversity, community memory and a new established–outsider figuration. Identities. 20(4):455-470.
History Memory and Historic Districts in Chicago Theodore J. Karamanski. 2010. History Memory and Historic Districts in Chicago. Public Historian. 32(4):33-41.