Russian Historiography of the 1917 Revolution: New Challenges to Old Paradigms? Boris Kolonitskii. 2009. Russian Historiography of the 1917 Revolution: New Challenges to Old Paradigms? History and Memory. 21(2):34-59,178.
"A" for Apology: Slavery and the Discourse of Remonstrance in Two American Universities Max Clarke, Gary Alan Fine. 2010. "A" for Apology: Slavery and the Discourse of Remonstrance in Two American Universities. History and Memory. 22(1):81-112,169-170.
Acts of Defacement, Memory of Loss: Ghostly Effects of the "Armenian Crisis" in Mardin, Southeastern Turkey Zerrin Özlem Biner. 2010. Acts of Defacement, Memory of Loss: Ghostly Effects of the "Armenian Crisis" in Mardin, Southeastern Turkey. History and Memory. 22(2):68-94,178.
"Sacrilege of a Strange, Contemporary Kind": The Unknown Soldier and the Imagined Community after the Vietnam War Michael J. Allen. 2011. "Sacrilege of a Strange, Contemporary Kind": The Unknown Soldier and the Imagined Community after the Vietnam War. History and Memory. 23(2):90-131,172.
Archive-Work: Genealogies of Loyalty in a Macedono-Bulgarian Colony Keith Brown. 2008. Archive-Work: Genealogies of Loyalty in a Macedono-Bulgarian Colony. History and Memory. 20(2):60-83.
Memories of Repression and Resistance: Narratives of Children Institutionalized by Auxilio Social in Postwar Spain Angela Cenarro. 2008. Memories of Repression and Resistance: Narratives of Children Institutionalized by Auxilio Social in Postwar Spain. History and Memory. 20(2):39-59.