History After Apartheid: Visual Culture and Public Memory in a Democratic South Africa Annie E Coombes. 2003. History After Apartheid: Visual Culture and Public Memory in a Democratic South Africa. :366.
Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory David W Blight. 2001. Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory. :512.
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Quicksands: Foundational Histories in Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand Klaus Neumann, Nicholas Thomas, Hilary Ericksen. 1999. Quicksands: Foundational Histories in Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand. :281.
Civil Rights Memorials and the Geography of Memory Owen J Dwyer, Derek H Alderman. 2008. Civil Rights Memorials and the Geography of Memory. :144.
Emmett Till in Literary Memory and Imagination Harriet Pollack, Christopher Metress. 2008. Emmett Till in Literary Memory and Imagination. Southern literary studies. :262.
Commemorating Malikiyya: Political Myth, Multi-ethnic Identity and the Making of the Lebanese Army Oren Barak. 2001. Commemorating Malikiyya: Political Myth, Multi-ethnic Identity and the Making of the Lebanese Army. History and Memory. 13(1):60.
Fantasies about the Jews: Cultural Reflections on the Holocaust Alon Confino. 2005. Fantasies about the Jews: Cultural Reflections on the Holocaust. History and Memory. 17(1/2):296-322,366-367.
Reconciliation: Building a Bridge from Complicity to Coherence in the Rhetoric of Race Relations John B. Hatch. 2003. Reconciliation: Building a Bridge from Complicity to Coherence in the Rhetoric of Race Relations. Rhetoric & Public Affairs. 6(4):737-764.