Collective memory of rape: an analysis from an international law perspective Sara De Vido. 2016. Collective memory of rape: an analysis from an international law perspective. La memoria collettiva dello stupro: un'analisi dal punto di vista del diritto internazionale.. (3):101-132.
Collective memory of rape: an analysis from an international law perspective Sara De Vido. 2016. Collective memory of rape: an analysis from an international law perspective. La memoria collettiva dello stupro: un'analisi dal punto di vista del diritto internazionale.. (3):101-132.
The Accumulative Effect of Trauma Exposure on Short-Term and Delayed Verbal Memory in a Treatment-Seeking Sample of Female Rape Victims Reginald D. V. Nixon, Pallavi Nishith, Patricia A. Resick. 2004. The Accumulative Effect of Trauma Exposure on Short-Term and Delayed Verbal Memory in a Treatment-Seeking Sample of Female Rape Victims. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 17(1):31-35.
The Memory of Violence: Soviet and East European Mennonite Refugees and Rape in the Second World War Marlene Epp. 1997. The Memory of Violence: Soviet and East European Mennonite Refugees and Rape in the Second World War. Journal of Women's History. 9(1):58-87.
Remembering Rape: Divided Social Memory and the Red Army in Hungary 1944–1945 James Mark. 2005. Remembering Rape: Divided Social Memory and the Red Army in Hungary 1944–1945. Past & Present. 188(1):133-161.