Tourism and Memories of Home : Migrants, Displaced People, Exiles and Diasporic Communities Sabine Marschall. 2017. Tourism and Memories of Home : Migrants, Displaced People, Exiles and Diasporic Communities. Tourism and Cultural Change.
Political Memories and Migration : Belonging, Society, and Australia Day J. Olaf Kleist. 2016. Political Memories and Migration : Belonging, Society, and Australia Day. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies. 1st ed. 2016
Memory in a Mediated World : Remembrance and Reconstruction Christian Pentzold, Christine Lohmeier, Andrea Hajek. 2016. Memory in a Mediated World : Remembrance and Reconstruction. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies.
Excavating Memory : Sites of Remembering and Forgetting Paul A. Shackel, John R. Roby, Maria Theresia Starzmann. 2016. Excavating Memory : Sites of Remembering and Forgetting. Cultural Heritage Studies.
Activist Archives : Youth Culture and the Political Past in Indonesia Doreen Lee. 2016. Activist Archives : Youth Culture and the Political Past in Indonesia.
Activist Archives : Youth Culture and the Political Past in Indonesia Doreen Lee. 2016. Activist Archives : Youth Culture and the Political Past in Indonesia.
Mamluks in the Modern Egyptian Mind : Changing the Memory of the Mamluks, 1919-1952 Il Kwang Sung. 2016. Mamluks in the Modern Egyptian Mind : Changing the Memory of the Mamluks, 1919-1952.
Lessons From the Past? : Memory, Narrativity and Subjectivity Bernhard Forchtner. 2016. Lessons From the Past? : Memory, Narrativity and Subjectivity Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies.
Creole in the Archive : Imagery, Presence and the Location of the Caribbean Figure Roshini Kempadoo. 2016. Creole in the Archive : Imagery, Presence and the Location of the Caribbean Figure. Critical Perspectives on Theory, Culture and Politics.
Staying at Home : Identities, Memories and Social Networks of Kazakhstani Germans Rita Sanders. 2016. Staying at Home : Identities, Memories and Social Networks of Kazakhstani Germans. Integration and Conflict Studies.