The Psychology of Radical Social Change: From Rage to Revolution Brady Wagoner, Fathali M. Moghaddam, Jaan Valsiner. 2018. The Psychology of Radical Social Change: From Rage to Revolution. :309.
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Remembering Vancouver's Disappeared Women : Settler Colonialism and the Difficulty of Inheritance [Anonymous]. 2016. Remembering Vancouver's Disappeared Women : Settler Colonialism and the Difficulty of Inheritance.
Representations of Forgetting in Life Writing and Fiction Gunnthórunn Gudmundsdóttir. 2016. Representations of Forgetting in Life Writing and Fiction. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies.
Discursive Processes of Intergenerational Transmission of Recent History : (Re)making Our Past Mariana Achugar. 2016. Discursive Processes of Intergenerational Transmission of Recent History : (Re)making Our Past. First edition
South Africa's Struggle to Remember : Contested Memories of Squatter Resistance in the Western Cape Kim Wale. 2016. South Africa's Struggle to Remember : Contested Memories of Squatter Resistance in the Western Cape. Europa Perspectives in Transitional Justice.
Bodies of Truth : Law, Memory, and Emancipation in Post-Apartheid South Africa Rita Kesselring. 2016. Bodies of Truth : Law, Memory, and Emancipation in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Stanford Studies in Human Rights.
State Terrorism and the Politics of Memory in Latin America : Transmissions Across the Generations of Post-dictatorship Uruguay, 1984-2004 Gabriela Fried. 2016. State Terrorism and the Politics of Memory in Latin America : Transmissions Across the Generations of Post-dictatorship Uruguay, 1984-2004.
Remediating Transcultural Memory : Documentary Filmmaking As Archival Intervention Dagmar Brunow. 2016. Remediating Transcultural Memory : Documentary Filmmaking As Archival Intervention. Medien Und Kulturelle Erinnerung.
Memory in a Mediated World : Remembrance and Reconstruction Christian Pentzold, Christine Lohmeier, Andrea Hajek. 2016. Memory in a Mediated World : Remembrance and Reconstruction. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies.