Mediating memory in the museum: trauma, empathy, nostalgia Silke Arnold-de Simine. 2013. Mediating memory in the museum: trauma, empathy, nostalgia.
News in Public Memory: An International Study of Media Memories Across Generations Ingrid Volkmer. 2006. News in Public Memory: An International Study of Media Memories Across Generations. :323.
Pages from the past: history and memory in American magazines Carolyn L. Kitch. 2005. Pages from the past: history and memory in American magazines. :269.
Television Histories: Shaping Collective Memory in the Media Age Gary R. Edgerton, Peter C. Rollins. 2003. Television Histories: Shaping Collective Memory in the Media Age. :402.
Memory in a Mediated World : Remembrance and Reconstruction Christian Pentzold, Christine Lohmeier, Andrea Hajek. 2016. Memory in a Mediated World : Remembrance and Reconstruction. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies.
Representations of peace and conflict Stephen Gibson, Simon Mollan. 2012. Representations of peace and conflict. Rethinking political violence series.
The post-dictatorship generation in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay: collective memory and cultural production Ana Ros. 2012. The post-dictatorship generation in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay: collective memory and cultural production.
Popular media and the American Revolution: shaping collective memory Janice Hume. 2013. Popular media and the American Revolution: shaping collective memory.
Save as-- digital memories Joanne Garde-Hansen, Andrew Hoskins, Anna Reading. 2009. Save as-- digital memories. :209.
The shock of the news: media coverage and the making of 9/11 Brian A. Monahan. 2010. The shock of the news: media coverage and the making of 9/11. :239.