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Pusat Komunitas dan Kontestasi Memori Kolektif: Studi Kasus Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak (RPTRA) Kenanga di Cideng, Jakarta Pusat Riena Juliannisa Surayuda. 2016. Pusat Komunitas dan Kontestasi Memori Kolektif: Studi Kasus Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak (RPTRA) Kenanga di Cideng, Jakarta Pusat. Masyarakat: Jurnal Sosiologi, Vol 21, Iss 2, Pp 233-261 (2016). (2):233.
The Re-Use of Urban Ruins: Atmospheric Inquiries of the City Christian Morgner. 2016. The Re-Use of Urban Ruins: Atmospheric Inquiries of the City. Cultural Sociology. 10(4):541-543.
The Re-Use of Urban Ruins: Atmospheric Inquiries of the City Christian Morgner. 2016. The Re-Use of Urban Ruins: Atmospheric Inquiries of the City. Cultural Sociology. 10(4):541-543.