Memory Studies Portal
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Commemoration Matters. Public Opinion Quarterly. 77(2):433-454.
2013. .
2013. Framing Variations and Collective Memory. Social Science History. 36(4):451-472.
2012. Framing Variations and Collective Memory: "Honest Abe" versus "the Great Emancipator". Social Science History. 36(4):451-472.
2012. Generational Memory and the Critical Period. Public Opinion Quarterly. 76(1):1-31.
2012. The roots of collective memory: Public knowledge of Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson. Memory Studies. 4(2):134-153.
2011. History, Commemoration, and Belief: Abraham Lincoln in American Memory, 1945-2001. American Sociological Review. 70(2):183-203.
2005. History, Commemoration, and Belief: Abraham Lincoln in American Memory, 1945-2001. American Sociological Review. 70(2):183-203.
2005. Cohorts, Chronology, and Collective Memories. Public Opinion Quarterly. 68(2):217-254.
2004. Keeping the Past Alive: Memories of Israeli Jews at the Turn of the Millennium. Sociological Forum. 18(1):103.
2003. Generations and Collective Memories. American Sociological Review. 54(3):359-381.