Memory Studies Portal
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2011. .
Introduction. :3-62.
2011. Introduction. :3-62.
2011. .
States of Memory: Continuities, Conflicts, and Transformations in National Retrospection. Politics, history, and culture. :354.
2003. .
2003. Collective Memory: The Two Cultures. Sociological Theory. 17(3):333-348.
1999. Introduction: Memory and the Nation: Continuities, Conflicts, and Transformations. Social Science History. 22(4, Special Issue: Memory and the Nation):377-387.
1998. Social Memory Studies: From "Collective Memory" to the Historical Sociology of Mnemonic Practices. Annual Review of Sociology. 24:105-140.
1998. Collective Memory and Cultural Constraint: Holocaust Myth and Rationality in German Politics. American Sociological Review. 62(6):921-936.