The 2022 International Program on Peoples’ Rights and Policy was completed on 21 October 2022

Monday, October 24, 2022
The 2022 Program (3 to 21 October 2022) was successfully completed on October 21st. The Program is cosponsored by Columbia’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights and the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race and enjoys the collaboration of the University of British Columbia and the University of Auckland.
Twenty-two participants from ten countries participated in this year’s Program, which took place in a remote format.
This is an immersion program and participants were expected to devote about four hours daily to the Program.  The course encourages team learning and synergy by creating a community atmosphere among participants. The online components consisted of mostly synchronous and some asynchronous lectures; discussions with lecturers; discussions among participants; participant panels; a virtual platform for contacts among participants; and one-on-one mentorship sessions with instructors.
There were twenty-four lectures and workshops in a three-week period, including sessions with officials of a Native American Nation and sessions with UN officials. In addition, there were eight participants’ panels. The program provides an overview and analysis of the major questions in Indigenous affairs today, as they have emerged globally in the last decades, culminating in the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and efforts towards its implementation.
The 2023 Program has already been announced and is open for applications until October 31st, 2022,