Laura Reed (M.A. 2013) is a Research Analyst for
Freedom on the Net, an annual index of global internet freedom, at
Freedom House. Laura collaborates with local researchers to assess internet access, censorship, and user rights in Eurasia, Europe, and the United States. She has been interviewed by the press on issues related to human rights and internet freedom, and has spoken about surveillance, privacy, and intermediary liability at forums and international conferences.
Prior to joining Freedom House, Laura was a intern in the research unit and the International Center for Transitional Justice. She graduated with a Masters in Human Rights from Columbia University in February 2013, with a focus on media and transitional justice. She conducted her thesis research on the relationship between historical memory practices in Phnom Penh and the narratives produced by the proceedings of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. During the MA program, Laura also served as an editor for