Alumni Highlight

Julie Ciccolini
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

ISHR congratulates Julie Ciccolini on placing third in the 2018 Graduate School Master’s SynThesis Competition.  Ciccolini's presentation is available to view here.

Ciccolini recently graduated from the Human Rights Studies Masters program in May 2018.  Her concentration focused on the human rights implications of using predictive and surveillance technology in the criminal justice system. Ciccolini's thesis explores the potential for discrimination in criminal justice algorithms used in predictive policing software and risk assessment instruments. As part of her thesis research, Julie conducted a full evaluation of a New York City pretrial risk assessment instrument’s potential for racial discrimination.

Ciccolini became interested in the intersection of technology and the criminal justice system through her professional career at the Legal Aid Society, where she worked full-time while pursuing her degree.   At Legal Aid, Ciccolini conducts research and data analysis in support of law and policy reform efforts related to systemic criminal justice issues.  Additionally, Julie develops and manages technology related to the Society's social justice initiatives.  For example, she designed and administers their city-wide, Cop Accountability Project database, which aims to improve police accountability and transparency in New York City.  The database pioneered the tracking of individual police misconduct within public defense organizations nationwide and Ciccolini has consulted with organizations across the country on how to develop their own systems. 

Ciccolini holds a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Psychology from New York University. During her undergraduate career, Ciccolini interned at the McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, NYU Peace and Conflict Lab, and the NYU Child and Family Policy Center.