Indigenous Peoples and Borders
A new book edited by Sheryl Lightfoot and Elsa Stamatopoulou - Duke University Press
Monday, November 13, 2023
With a global perspective, the book is mainly the result of research presented at the 2019 interdisciplinary International Symposium organized at Columbia by the Institute for the Study of Human Rights, with the Arctic University of Norway and the University of British Columbia as co-organizers, and cosponsored by other Columbia departments, other universities and two non-governmental organizations.
Click here for the dedicated web link to the book on Duke’s site.
The introduction to the book is posted here.
A flier describing the book can be found here.
The book is now available for pre-order on Duke’s website. People who place an order now will receive the book within a few weeks of 12/1/23. The flier features a coupon for 30% off. The code is E23INDPB.