
Visit Our Faculty Page to Learn About Columbia's Human Rights Instructors
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

ISHR is pleased to launch a new faculty page profiling instructors who engage in research or teaching in the field of human rights at Columbia University.

Click here to learn more about human rights faculty's work.

Monday, December 5, 2016

ISHR hopes that the Government will respect and protect the human rights of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in the future.

New RightsViews article by Prof. Inga Winkler
Thursday, December 1, 2016

New RightsViews article by Prof. Inga Winkler

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The 2016 Human Rights Advocates biographical videos are now available on the HRAP Yotube channel. Seven participants of 2016 HRAP recorded video testimonials describing their work and their experience in the program.

Click here to visit the HRAP Youtube channel.

Visit the Advocates page to learn more about the 2016 Advocates. 

By David L. Phillips, Director of the Program on Peace-building and Human Rights
Thursday, December 1, 2016

David L. Phillips writes that lessons drawn from Kirkuk can inform plans to stabilize Mosul and Nineveh province after Mosul is liberated from the Islamic State. Kirkuk and the Niveveh province are both made up of diverse ethnic and sectarian groups. Phillips argues that plans for Mosul must be part of a larger plan for the entire Nineveh Province and the core of securing post-conflict stabilization is delivering services and establishing a decentralized government.