
Friday, June 2, 2023

Democracy Now! interviewed 2017 Advocate Pepe Onziema of Sexual Minorities Uganda about the Anti-LGBT Law recently signed by Ugandan President Museveni. Homophobia in Uganda is heavily influenced by American evangelists, who function as “exporters of hate,” notes Pepe, causing LGBTQ Ugandans to “end up as collateral damage.” The entire interview is available here.

Isabel Flota
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

2022-23 Advocate Isabel Flota sat down with HRAP work-study student Victor Jandres Rivera to talk about their work as a human rights advocate. The video can be found on the HRAP YouTube Channel here.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The above edited volume on a timely and often neglected area of human rights is published by Edward Elgar Publishing, with Fiana Gantheret, Nolwenn Guibert and Sofia Stolk as co-editors. Prof. Elsa Stamatopoulou of ISHR has included a chapter on The Human Rights of Artists. The launch event will take place on June 9th online. Please click here to see poster.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Brooke Helmick (HRSMA, Class of 2023) was the Audience Choice winner at the GSAS MA SynThesis Competition. During the event, Brooke presented her research on how the rise of extremists and hate organizations affect social wellness. You can read more about the event here.

Sharon Song
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Sharon Song, a 2021 Human Rights M.A. graduate, published an article titled "Digital feminism: In the aftermath of #MeToo, what's next for workplace equity for women'' in the Journal of Human Rights. The article is based on Sharon’s graduate thesis.