
Sunday, September 4, 2022
ISHR is pleased to announce that Joseph R. Slaughter has taken the role of Executive Director as of July 1, 2022. Firstly, we want to thank Professor Yasmine Ergas on behalf of faculty, staff, students, and affiliates for her countless contributions during her year as Interim Director. Professor Ergas brought her many years of experience and expertise to the role of Director, and ISHR looks forward to her continued vital participation, her good counsel, and her leadership as we open a new chapter at the Institute.
Sunday, September 4, 2022

The Institute for the Study of Human Rights is delighted to announce two new lecturers joining us this academic year. 

By David L. Phillips
Friday, September 2, 2022

The Art of the Deal is a business advice book by Donald J. Trump, which offers a window into his thinking. He believes that assets in his possession are to be monetized. I surmise he pocketed classified and top-secret materials to sell them.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

ISHR would like to congratulate Lara J. Nettelfield on her new position as Director of the Program in International Relations at New York University. Professor Nettelfield joined ISHR in 2017 as Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Human Rights. In addition to advising students and serving as Director of Graduate Studies, she taught the Human Rights Graduate Research Seminar, Refugees, Forced Migration and Displacement and Human Rights in the United States.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

2018 AHDA fellow Sarah C. Bishop published a new book with Columbia University Press titled A Story to Save Your Life: Communication and Culture in Migrants' Search for Asylum. The book “offers new insight into the harrowing realities of seeking protection in the United States. Migrants fleeing persecution must reconstruct the details of their lives so governmental authorities can determine whether their experiences justify protection.