This October, The Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University is holding two workshops as part of its Human Rights Training Series.
Arts, Human Rights, and Social Change
Online - Dates for live sessions: October 2, 9 & 16 from 12:30pm - 3:30 pm ET
This interactive workshop will explore the intersection of the arts and human rights and how it is used to catalyze social change in communities across the globe, and inspire human rights movements.
Click here to learn more and register
Teaching Human Rights in Classrooms and Communities
Online - Dates for live sessions: October 7, 14, 21, 28 from 3:30-6:00pm ET
In this online workshop for educators and practitioners, participants will develop or strengthen their capacity to engage in human rights education - to foster knowledge, skills, attitudes and action for the protection and promotion of human rights among students using rights-based teaching methods.
Register now for the discounted early bird specials. Fellowships available by application. Please
click here for a more detailed description and additional information.
Additional workshops will be announced on an ongoing basis. Participants who complete three workshops receive a certificate of participation for ISHR's Human Rights Training Series. Certificates of participation are also awarded for each individual workshop, provided the workshop is completed in its entirety.