The King Has Two Bodies: Howie Morenz and the Fabrication of Memory

TitleThe King Has Two Bodies: Howie Morenz and the Fabrication of Memory
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsJulie Perrone
JournalSport History Review
Call Number55095790

The article discusses the creation of a historic identity associated with Canadian professional ice hockey player Howie Morenz. The financial problems faced by the National Hockey League (NHL) during the Great Depression are addressed. Morenz's relationship with his hockey team, the Montreal Canadiens, is described. The author claims that the heroic identity associated with Morenz was in fact fabricated by both the Canadiens and the NHL through Morenz's funeral and the playing of a memorial hockey game in his honor. Emphasis is given to media coverage of Morenz's career playing with the Candiens to emphasize this point. The author attaches this analysis to the wider theme of commemorative events in general.

Short TitleThe King Has Two Bodies