The "Dam Talk" of Butler, Tennessee: Tracing the Stability and Change of Historical Memory in Newspaper Coverage

TitleThe "Dam Talk" of Butler, Tennessee: Tracing the Stability and Change of Historical Memory in Newspaper Coverage
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsChristie M. Kleinmann
JournalAmerican Journalism
Call Number79701703

This analysis followed print newspaper coverage of Butler, Tennessee, to determine the stability and change of historical memory. Utilizing longitudinal analysis, it examines the historical narrative over time using local, regional, and national print coverage. The study determines that historical memory is modified over time in national, regional, and local print outlets, and that media play a pivotal role in the change process. The study concludes that media, particularly local media, often determine source perspective that leads to narrative modifications, thus "changing" memories of the past.

Short TitleThe "Dam Talk" of Butler, Tennessee