Dynamics of Memory and Identity in Contemporary Europe

TitleDynamics of Memory and Identity in Contemporary Europe
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsEric Langenbacher, Bill Niven, Ruth Wittlinger
PublisherBerghahn Books
CityNew York
ISBN Number978-0-85745-581-9 0-85745-581-8

The collapse of the Iron Curtain, the renationalization of eastern Europe, and the simultaneous eastward expansion of the European Union have all impacted the way the past is remembered in today's eastern Europe. At the same time, in recent years, the Europeanization of Holocaust memory and a growing sense of the need to stage a more "self-critical" memory has significantly changed the way in which western Europe commemorates and memorializes the past. The increasing dissatisfaction among scholars with the blanket, undifferentiated use of the term "collective memory" is evolving in new dire.

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