Oral history and public memories

TitleOral history and public memories
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsPaula Hamilton, Linda Shopes
PublisherTemple University Press
CityPhiladelphia, Pa.
ISBN Number978-1-59213-140-2 1-59213-140-9 978-1-59213-141-9 1-59213-141-7

Oral History and Public Memories is the first book to explore the relationship between the well-established practice of oral history and the burgeoning field of memory studies. In the past, oral historians have generally privileged the individual narrator, frequently fetishizing the interview process without fully understanding that interviews are only one form of memory-making. Historians engaged in memory studies, on the other hand, have asked broader questions -- about the social and cultural processes at work in remembrance, for example. What distinguishes these essays from much work in oral history is their focus not on the experiences of individual narrators, but on the broader cultural meanings of oral history narratives. What distinguishes them from other work in memory studies is their grounding in real events. Taken together, these contributions explain the processes by which oral histories move beyond interviews with individual people to become articulated memories shared by others. - Publisher.

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