Imagining the face of a nation: Scotland, modernity and the places of memory

TitleImagining the face of a nation: Scotland, modernity and the places of memory
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsAndrew Blaikie
JournalMemory Studies
ISSN1750-6980, 1750-6999

Relationships between modernity and national identity raise issues of how place is remembered morally and visually. This article considers aspects of cultural output in Scotland during the 1930s. While the romantic, rural emphasis of travelogue imagery evaded urbanization, the important literary nationalists Edwin Muir and Hugh MacDiarmid produced nightmare visions of a country defiled by industrialization and imperialism. Against this, the pioneering film-maker John Grierson celebrated modernity as a process of continuity rather than rupture through an ongoing inheritance of national values. Their differing evaluations of alienation and belonging have contributed to stereotypes of place that figure iconographically in the national consciousness as sites of memory, thereby eliding the experience of non-iconographic places while compromising the ways in which individual accounts may be recollected through the modern social imaginary.

Short TitleImagining the face of a nation