Social Metadata and Public-Contributed Contents in Memory Institutions: 'Crowd Voice' Versus 'Authenticated Heritage'?

TitleSocial Metadata and Public-Contributed Contents in Memory Institutions: 'Crowd Voice' Versus 'Authenticated Heritage'?
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsChern Li1 Liew
JournalPreservation, Digital Technology & Culture

Social technologies have led to increasing participatory activities and institutions are interested in the potential of using these for outreach and engagement. Through offering new spaces and tools that allow users to consume and also to contribute content, institutions are expanding their traditional services which could redefine their role and relevance in the digital cultural heritage landscape. This study investigates the decision-making and practices underpinning current handling of social metadata and public-contributed contents (PCC). The focus is on examining the motivations for soliciting contributions, if and how these are moderated and managed, if they are integrated into the institutional data and knowledge base, and the extent to which public stakeholders moderate. The study also involves an investigation of whether, and how, memory institutions consider diversity and inclusiveness in soliciting participation and contributions, and the values placed on PCC, as compared to institutional resources. The aim of this study is to shed light on these by surveying libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions. How institutions deal with the social metadata and PCC they gather, and what they do with the contributions, could be a key determining factor of the success of their participatory practice as part of their larger effort to capture and preserve collective memories. This survey shows that the profession still has a way to go towards these goals. There is little evidence that demonstrates integration of a participatory culture and activities into the strategic directions and documentary practices of institutions.

Short TitleSocial Metadata and Public-Contributed Contents in Memory Institutions