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Flickr and the culture of connectivity: Sharing views, experiences, memories José van Dijck. 2011. Flickr and the culture of connectivity: Sharing views, experiences, memories. Memory Studies. 4(4):401-415.
Social Metadata and Public-Contributed Contents in Memory Institutions: 'Crowd Voice' Versus 'Authenticated Heritage'? Chern Li1 Liew. 2016. Social Metadata and Public-Contributed Contents in Memory Institutions: 'Crowd Voice' Versus 'Authenticated Heritage'? Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture. 45(3):122-133.
Memory, body, and the online researcher: Following Russian street demonstrations via social media Patty A. Gray. 2016. Memory, body, and the online researcher: Following Russian street demonstrations via social media. American Ethnologist. 43(3):500-510.
Memory, body, and the online researcher: Following Russian street demonstrations via social media Patty A. Gray. 2016. Memory, body, and the online researcher: Following Russian street demonstrations via social media. American Ethnologist. 43(3):500-510.
Memory, body, and the online researcher: Following Russian street demonstrations via social media Patty A.1 Gray. 2016. Memory, body, and the online researcher: Following Russian street demonstrations via social media. American Ethnologist. 43(3):500-510.
Social Metadata and Public-Contributed Contents in Memory Institutions: 'Crowd Voice' Versus 'Authenticated Heritage'? Chern Li Liew. 2016. Social Metadata and Public-Contributed Contents in Memory Institutions: 'Crowd Voice' Versus 'Authenticated Heritage'? Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture. 45(3):122-133.