The Use of Nostalgia in Television Advertising: A Content Analysis

TitleThe Use of Nostalgia in Television Advertising: A Content Analysis
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsLynette S Unger, Diane M Mcconocha, John A Faier
JournalJournalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
ISSN1077-6990, 2161-430X

Nostalgia was used by means of theme, copy, or music about 10% of the time according to a content analysis of more than a thousand commercials sampled from ABC, CBS, and NBC. Nostalgic references were to family activities or to the “olden days,” among other themes, and were most likely to be used with food and beverage commercials. The study suggests nostalgia may be especially important in a changing world because it connects us with our past.

Short TitleThe Use of Nostalgia in Television Advertising