Human Rights Faculty @ Columbia

Professors featured on this page include Columbia University faculty who engage in research or teaching in the field of human rights. Faculty who wish to update their information or would like to be added to the list below are encouraged to contact us at

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Noah Chasin
Noah Chasin
Adjunct Associate Professor
Wendy Chavkin
Special Lecturer, Professor Emerita
Joy L. Chia
Adjunct Lecturer in Political Science
Institute for the Study of Human Rights
Political Science
Joseph Chuman
Joseph Chuman
Adjunct Professor
Sarah Cleveland
Sarah Cleveland
Louis Henkin Professor of Human and Constitutional Rights
Marc Cohan
James Colgrove
Lynn Collins
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Belinda Cooper
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Regina Cortina
Regina Cortina
Kevin Cremin
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
Bruce Cronin
Bruce Cronin
Adjunct Professor
Paisley Currah
Adjunct Professor