The image and the witness: trauma, memory and visual culture Frances Guerin, Roger Hallas. 2007. The image and the witness: trauma, memory and visual culture.
Memory Theatres, Virtual Witnessing, and the Trauma-Aesthetic Allen Feldman. 2004. Memory Theatres, Virtual Witnessing, and the Trauma-Aesthetic. Biography. 27(1):163-202.
Documenting Violations: Rhetorical Witnessing and the Spectacle of Distant Suffering Wendy S. Hesford. 2004. Documenting Violations: Rhetorical Witnessing and the Spectacle of Distant Suffering. Biography. 27(1):104-144.
Couldn't Find Them Anywhere": Thomas Glave's Whose Song? (Post)Modernist Literary Queerings, and the Trauma of Witnessing, Memory, and Testimony Gene Jarrett. 2000. Couldn't Find Them Anywhere": Thomas Glave's Whose Song? (Post)Modernist Literary Queerings, and the Trauma of Witnessing, Memory, and Testimony Callaloo. 23(4):1241-1258.
Teaching Witnessing: A Class Wakes to the Genocide in Bosnia Karen Malpede. 1996. Teaching Witnessing: A Class Wakes to the Genocide in Bosnia. Theatre Topics. 6(2):167-179.
Editor’s Introduction: Witnessing, Testifying, and History Martha J. Cutter. 2009. Editor’s Introduction: Witnessing, Testifying, and History. MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S.. 34(1):5-11.
I Witness: Re-presenting Trauma in and by Cinema Tamar Ashuri. 2010. I Witness: Re-presenting Trauma in and by Cinema. The Communication Review. 13(3):171-192.
The London Bombings: Mobile Witnessing, Mortal Bodies and Globital Time Anna Reading. 2011. The London Bombings: Mobile Witnessing, Mortal Bodies and Globital Time. Memory Studies. 4(3):298-311.
The Notebook and the Gun: Performative Witnessing in Goodness Jenn Stephenson. 2008. The Notebook and the Gun: Performative Witnessing in Goodness. ESC: English Studies in Canada. 34(4):97-121.