Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Elizabeth Boase, Christopher G. Frechette.  2016.  Bible Through The Lens Of Trauma / edited by Elizabeth Boase and Christopher G. Frechette. Semeia studies: number 86.
[Anonymous].  2016.  The bitter memories of war.
Daniel Lachapelle Lemire.  2016.  Bittersweet memories: narratives of Japanese Canadian children's experiences before the second world war and the politics of redress. BC Studies. (192)
Dario Brentin.  2016.  Bleiburg & Beyond. Transnational Approaches Towards Memory Politics and Commemorative Practices. :1-3.
Steve D. Charman, Vanessa Quiroz.  2016.  Blind Sequential Lineup Administration Reduces Both False Identifications and Confidence in Those False Identifications. Law & Human Behavior (American Psychological Association). 40(5):477-487.
Rita Kesselring.  2016.  Bodies of Truth : Law, Memory, and Emancipation in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Stanford Studies in Human Rights.
Organization EUROPP: European Policy and Politics at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Author EUROPP: European Policy and Politics at the London School of Economics and Political Science.  2016.  Book Review: Biopolitical Media: Catastrophe, Immunity and Bare Life by Allen Meek.
Kourken Michaelian.  2016.  Book Review: Memory: A History.
Davide Mombelli.  2016.  Book Review: Zarzo, E. (2016), Memoria Retórica y Experiencia Estética. Retórica, Estética y Educación. Madrid: Dykinson. International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies, Vol 4, Iss 4, Pp 64-66 (2016). (4):64.
[Anonymous].  2016.  Books in Summary. History & Theory. 55(2):314-317.
[Anonymous].  2016.  Books in Summary. History & Theory. 55(2):314-317.
[Anonymous].  2016.  Boundaries of displacement: Belonging and Return among Forcibly Displaced Young Georgians from Abkhazia.
J. Koppel, D. Berntsen.  2016.  The breadth and mnemonic consequences of the youth bias. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 69(7):1265-1277.
Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela.  2016.  Breaking Intergenerational Cycles of Repetition : A Global Dialogue on Historical Trauma and Memory.
Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela.  2016.  Breaking Intergenerational Cycles of Repetition : A Global Dialogue on Historical Trauma and Memory.
Edward Madigan.  2016.  Breaking the Peace. History Today. 66(8):3-4.
Steven Cooke.  2016.  Britain and the Holocaust: Remembering and Representing War and Genocide. Journal of British Studies. 55(3):625-627.
Jonathan A. Noyalas.  2016.  "The Broader and Purer Purpose". Civil War History. 62(2):186-200.
Jonathan A. Noyalas.  2016.  "The Broader and Purer Purpose". Civil War History. 62(2):186-200.
[Anonymous].  2016.  'The Broader and Purer Purpose': Lessons from the Shenandoah Valley’s Monuments and Battlefield Landscapes on Introducing Elements of Civil War Memory to General Audiences. Civil War History. (2):186.
[Anonymous].  2016.  BUKENYA: Memories of earthquakes and our very deep roots in Kitara.
Matthew Fike.  2016.  C. G. Jung's Memories, Dreams, Reflections as a Source for Doris Lessing's Briefing for a Descent into Hell. Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies. 11(1):18-28.
Matthew Fike.  2016.  C. G. Jung's Memories, Dreams, Reflections as a Source for Doris Lessing's Briefing for a Descent into Hell. Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies. 11(1):18-28.
Author Ugo Bardi, Author Robert Jensen, Author Mary Odum, Author Dan Bednarz.  2016.  Can Humanity Survive without the Commons?
[Anonymous].  2016.  Canada's Residential Schools : Reconciliation.