Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Clifford, author Davidson.  2016.  14Memory and Remembering: Sacred History and the York Plays. »LUDUS« Medieval and Early Renaissance Theatre and Drama. :334.
Maria Theresia Starzmann, John R Roby.  2016.  15. Excavating a Hidden Past: The Forensic Turn in Spains Collective Memory. :336.
Maria Theresia Starzmann, John R Roby.  2016.  15. Excavating a Hidden Past: The Forensic Turn in Spains Collective Memory. :336.
Addeane S. Caelleigh.  2016.  The 1918-1919 influenza pandemic and national amnesia. (11):694.
Michael E.1 Harkin.  2016.  2015 Presidential Address The Emotional Archive: The Formation of Social Memory of the Residential School Experience in British Columbia. Ethnohistory. 63(3):459-467.
Antonia Matei.  2016.  25 years after--The National Day on the National Radio. Revista de Stiinte Politice. (49):120.
Monica J. Casper, Eric H.R. Wertheimer.  2016.  3. She Was Just a Chechen: The Female Suicide Bomber as a Site of Collective Suffering in Wartime Chechen Republic. :37.
Author Helena P. Schrader.  2016.  300 - Thermopylae's Monuments.
Michael Nelson, Barbara A. Perry, Russell L. Riley.  2016.  42: Inside the Presidency of Bill Clinton.
Author Paul Mullins, Author Paul Mullins.  2016.  Abhorrent Bodies: Burying Evil.
A.c.( 1) De La Rosa, D.a.( 2) De Frutos.  2016.  About amnesia and oblivion. Continuities and discontinuities in the (re)construction of collective memory in Guam (Mariana Islands). Historia Social. (86):25-46.
Laura1 Hirvi.  2016.  About Islands and Oranges: Nostalgia at Play in the Work of Juhani Seppovaara. Journal of Finnish Studies. 19(2):115-131.
Laura1 Hirvi.  2016.  About Islands and Oranges: Nostalgia at Play in the Work of Juhani Seppovaara. Journal of Finnish Studies. 19(2):115-131.
Jan Lensen.  2016.  'Accept the Virus': Trauma, Mimetic Violence, and the Paradox of Cultural Memory on the Move in Peter Verhelst's Zwerm. Modern Language Review. 111(2):478-497.
Jan1 Lensen.  2016.  'Accept the Virus': Trauma, Mimetic Violence, and the Paradox of Cultural Memory on the Move in Peter Verhelst's Zwerm. Modern Language Review. 111(2):478-497.
Doreen Lee.  2016.  Activist Archives : Youth Culture and the Political Past in Indonesia.
Doreen Lee.  2016.  Activist Archives : Youth Culture and the Political Past in Indonesia.
Melissa Davidson.  2016.  Acts of Remembrance: Canadian Great War Memory and the Public Funerals of Sir Arthur Currie and Canon F.G. Scott. Études canadiennes / Canadian Studies.
Stefan Schutt.  2016.  Advertising and Public Memory : Social, Cultural and Historical Perspectives on Ghost Signs. Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies.