
Deadline for application is March 10th
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Columbia University has a unique international reputation for human rights education and research, earned through decades of highly respected training of human rights professionals and a commitment to the interdisciplinary study and practice of human rights. As a focal point for the study of human rights at Columbia, the Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR) is committed to providing exceptional education programs that draw on these strengths. 

By Nada A. Fadul & David L. Phillips
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Competition during the Cold War gave countries a stark choice. Join reform movements or align with authoritarian kleptocratic governments. Today, Sudan is a new frontline for Great Power competition. Russia backed the military coup of October 25, 2021, that killed scores of peaceful pro-democracy demonstrators. Alternatively, the US supports the forces of freedom and change. Other African countries are gauging events in Sudan to determine whether they will align with US-backed reforms or the Russian-inspired military dictatorship.

By David L. Phillips
Friday, February 18, 2022

Vladimir Putin maintains that Russian forces are withdrawing from the frontline with Ukraine. He made similar claims of withdrawing Russian troops from Syria, which were also untrue. As NATO calibrates its response to Russia’s aggression, Western leaders must judge Putin by what he does – not what he says.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

We just got the great news via the Spectator’s article by Isabella Ramirez :

Elvira Constantina Pablo Antonio
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Advocate Elvira Constantina Pablo Antonio is participating in the 2021-22 HRAP. Elvira is an Indigenous lawyer from Oaxaca, Mexico. She is part of the Ayuuk Indigenous Peoples. Elvira collaborates with civil society organizations for the defense and promotion of human rights, especially women, youth, and Indigenous Peoples’ rights, on topics related to sexual and reproductive health and rights, violence prevention, political participation and Indigenous peoples’ collective rights. She conducts advocacy at the local, national, and international levels.