
Deadline for application is March 10th
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Columbia University has a unique international reputation for human rights education and research, earned through decades of highly respected training of human rights professionals and a commitment to the interdisciplinary study and practice of human rights. As a focal point for the study of human rights at Columbia, the Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR) is committed to providing exceptional education programs that draw on these strengths. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Institute for the Study of Human Rights is pleased to announce the Miller Human Rights Award, a new funding opportunity for undergraduate students who seek to deepen their experience in human rights abroad. The Miller Award will provide a stipend of $5,000 to two eligible undergraduate students per application cycle. 

Hannah Mary May
Thursday, February 3, 2022

Hannah Mary May shares her experience as a student in the Human Rights Studies M.A. Program so far.

In which program are you enrolled and when is your expected graduation date?

M.A. in Human Rights Studies; Expected to graduate in the fall of 2022

Sydney Leigh Smith
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Sydney Leigh Smith (she/her) shares her experience as a student in the Human Rights Studies M.A. Program so far.

In which program are you enrolled and when is your expected graduation date?

Human Rights Studies MA; Fall 2022

Monday, January 10, 2022

ISHR is pleased to announce the 2022 Human Rights Essay Contest. The contest aims to encourage and acknowledge students who have written exceptional academic papers that address issues related to human rights. Cash prizes will be awarded to two graduate students and to two undergraduate students. Contest winners, along with other selected participants, may be invited to present their essay at an ISHR event.