
Shibanee Sivanayagam
Thursday, September 12, 2019
ISHR congratulates Shibanee Sivanayagam on the upcoming launch of ADI MAGAZINE, a new quarterly literary journal on policy and global affairs. Shibanee is part of a small team led by Nimmi Gowrinathan that has been working to address the disconnect between the policy world and the populations who feel their impact most deeply.
Friday, May 10, 2019

The ISHR congratulates Sabrina Kozikis who was invited to present her MA thesis "'Water Is a Human Right' - Exploring the Paradox of Framing Water as a Human Right in a Hostile Political Climate" at this year's GSAS Master's SynThesis Competition. The annual competition is an opportunity for MA students in the Arts and Sciences to showcase their research and presentation skills in a relaxed and collegial environment. Sabrina's faculty advisor, Dr. Inga Winkler, is a staff member at the ISHR and serves as the Institute's Director of Undergraduate Studies. 

Saadia Khan
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Saadia Khan is the creator and host of the podcast called, “The Alien Chronicles: Immigrant Stories”. It is a weekly podcast that focuses on peoples’ journeys to America, specifically in NY and its surrounding areas. Every week, the podcast invites immigrants from all walks of life to share their stories. The goal is to create empathy for “the other” through relatable narratives. In today's polarized climate, the podcast strives to humanize immigrants through the intensely personal stories highlighting their experiences in the US.

By Juana Lee
Thursday, November 15, 2018
By James Courtright
Thursday, November 15, 2018