
Monday, November 26, 2018

The Institute for the Study of Human Rights (Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Program) is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the International Summer Program on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Policy, in cooperation with the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race (CSER). The Program was run out of CSER from 2013-2017.

The Importance of Acting Locally
Monday, October 8, 2018

October 8th is here, a day marked as “Columbus Day” on many calendars since 1937.

By Elsa Stamatopoulou, Director of Indigenous Peoples' Rights Program
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

While this year marks the 20th anniversary of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, a global crisis is unfolding. The rapid expansion of development projects on indigenous lands without their consent is driving a drastic increase in violence and legal harassment against Indigenous Peoples.

By Ashley E. Chappo
Friday, September 21, 2018