
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Congratulations to Liz Ševčenko, Director, Guantánamo Public Memory Project, on receiving the 2015 Center for Research Libraries Award for Teaching.

Laura Reed
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Laura Reed (M.A. 2013) is a Research Analyst for Freedom on the Net, an annual index of global internet freedom, at Freedom House. Laura collaborates with local researchers to assess internet access, censorship, and user rights in Eurasia, Europe, and the United States. She has been interviewed by the press on issues related to human rights and internet freedom, and has spoken about surveillance, privacy, and intermediary liability at forums and international conferences.
Christian Douglass
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Congratulations to alumnus Christian Douglass on his new position at Mental Health America of Los Angeles.

Maggie Powers
Monday, October 26, 2015
Congratulations to alumna Maggie Powers, M.A. 2014, for the recent publication of portions of her Master’s thesis as “Responsibility to Protect: Dead, Dying, or Thriving?” in the International Journal of Human Rights. The article presents an empirical analysis of the use of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) norm at the UN from 2005 to 2014 and provides a quantitative measure of the backlash to R2P after the 2011 Libya intervention.
Oriol López-Badell
Monday, October 19, 2015
Congratulations to 2014 AHDA alumnus Oriol López-Badell for the publication of his paper "The Recovery of Memory Sites in the City of Barcelona: Discovering the Past through the New Media" as part of the book Travelling Europe: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Place and Space.