‘The greatest loss was a loss of our history’: natural disasters, marginalised identities and sites of memory

Title‘The greatest loss was a loss of our history’: natural disasters, marginalised identities and sites of memory
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsScott McKinnon, Andrew Gorman-Murray, Dale Dominey-Howes
JournalSocial & Cultural Geography

This paper examines intersections between space, materiality, memory and identity in relation to lesbian and gay experiences of recent disasters in Australia. Drawing on interviews with lesbians and gay men in two disaster sites, the paper argues that disaster impacts may include the loss of sites of memory that inform and underpin the formation and maintenance of marginalised identities. We explore the ways in which social marginality is experienced by sexual minorities during disasters as a result of threats to sites of lesbian and gay memory. The paper contributes to scholarship in geographies of memory by investigating the impacts of disasters on how memory is spatially located and experienced. (English)

Short Title‘The greatest loss was a loss of our history’