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Dr. Nardocci is a Post-Doc research fellow in Constitutional law, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law, University of Milan. She teaches Women Empowerment and Sustainable Development at the University of Milan and in 2015, 2016 the legal clinic Sustainable Development as a Human Right in a Multicultural Society. Member of the Strategic Team on Discriminations and Inequalities (University of Milan).
Over the past years, She has been actively involved in drafting bid to answer to European Calls for funding. In 2016, She joined the UN Women-Universities-Partnership on Gender and Constitutions, supervising the research activity of a group of Italian students on polygamy, and in 2017 She was invited to the Second International Symposium on Gender, Law and Constitutions in Washington, Dr. Nardocci’s research activity revolves around Constitutional Law with a focus on human rights, anti-discrimination law, minority rights, multiculturalism. She is the author of papers and of a monographic study (Razza e etnia. La discriminazione tra individuo e gruppo nella dimensione costituzionale e sovranazionale, 2016 – Race and Ethnicity. Discrimination between the individual and the group in the constitutional and supranational perspective). As a lawyer, She deals with human rights claims before the Italian Constitutional Court and the ECtHR.