Jack Saul

Jack Saul is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Population and Family Health at Columbia University. He co-founded the Bellevue/NYU Program for Survivors of Torture in 1995 and was its clinical director until 1998 when he founded NYU School of Medicine's International Trauma Studies Program (ITSP), an independent post-graduate training and research institute in New York City and Uganda, which he also currently directs. In 1999, Dr. Saul established Refuge, a resource center in New York for survivors of political violence and forced migration, and a member of the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs. Dr. Saul has been a member since 2000 of the Kosovo Family Professional Educational Collaborative, which has been instrumental in the development of the community mental health system in post-war Kosovo. His seminar with the fellows explored trauma and its aftermath, and some methods for working with post-conflict societies.