Political Apologies
How does the act of apologizing enable societies to come to terms with their past?
Political apologies can be a powerful tool in the re-examination of a nation's history, and the significance this history has on democratic processes. The project includes a working list of political apologies throughout history that political scientist Graham Dodds has researched and compiled.
This is a working list of major political apologies and related events. The selection criteria for compiling the list are somewhat loose, but the intent is to include any and all apologies that involve states, nations, or major political groups and actors, generally for significant public wrongs. Thus, apologies by individual politicians for more narrow matters (e.g., alleged personal or criminal failings) are generally excluded.
Should you wish to add to the list, please e-mail ahda@columbia.edu.
Date of Apology | Title | Summary | Source |
10 January 2004 | Libya $170 million in compensation ($1 million per victim) for French airplane blown up in 1989 |
A Libyan foundation controlled by Moammar Gaddafi’s son agrees to pay $170 million in compensation ($1 million per victim) to the families of victims of a French airplane blown up in 1989, but Libya admits no responsibility. |
Richburg, Keith B. “Libya to Pay $170 Million in Bombing of Airliner in ’89.” Washington Post. 1/10/04. |
26 January 2004 | USA-dismisses a lawsuit by descendants of slavery against corporations |
A U.S. federal judge dismisses a lawsuit by descendants of slavery against corporations that benefited from slavery. |
Slave reparations case dismissed.” www.cnn.com. 1/26/04. |
25 February 2004 | Uganda - army’s failure to prevent a deadly rebel attack on a refugee camp |
Uganda President Museveni apologizes for the army’s failure to prevent a deadly rebel attack on a refugee camp. |
World in Brief: Africa.” Washington Post. 2/25/04. |
11 March 2004 | Australia, creation of an Aboriginal Trust Fund repayment program |
In Australia, New South Wales Premier Bob Carr apologizes and announces the creation of an Aboriginal Trust Fund repayment program, to return funds that Aboriginies were forced to pay into a trust. |
NSW Legislative Assembly 11 March, 2004 p.7163. I am indebted to Marilyn Hoey for this item. |
16 March 2004 | As part of a compensation process for Iraqi civilian casualties, the U.S. government gives $5,000 |
As part of a compensation process for Iraqi civilian casualties, the U.S. government gives $5,000 and an apology to an Iraqi man whose wife and three children were killed after an American missile struck their home. |
Gettleman, Jeffrey. “For Iraqis in Harms’ Way, $5,000 and ‘I’m Sorry.’” New York Times. March 17, 2004. |
21 March 2004 | The Palestinian militant group al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades apologizes for mistakenly killing an Arab student in a drive-by shooting |
The Palestinian militant group al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades apologizes for mistakenly killing an Arab student in a drive-by shooting in a Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem. |
“World in Brief: The Middle East.” Washington Post. pA25. |
24 March 2004 | USA- U.S. counter-terrorism official Richard Clarke apologizes |
At a U.S. congressional hearing, former U.S. counter-terrorism official Richard Clarke apologizes for failing to prevent the attacks of 9/11. |
“Government ‘failed you,’ Clarke.” www.msnbc.com. March 25, 2004. |
1 April 2004 | Brazil - compensate illegally imprisoned during two decades of military rule |
In Brazil, forty years after the 1964 coup d’etat, the governor of Sao Paulo says that those who were illegally imprisoned by the state police during two decades of military rule will be compensated. |
Kingstone, Steve. “Brazil remembers 1964 coup d’etat.” www.bbc.com. April 1, 2004. |
1 April 2004 | The Illinois state a resolution - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
The Illinois state House passes a resolution apologizing to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and seeking pardon for the events that led to the death of Joseph Smith and the expulsion of his followers from Nauvoo in 1844. |
https://www.au.org/church-state/may-2004-church-state/au-bulletin/illinois-public-officials-apologize-to-mormons |
8 April 2004 | Illinois apology for the murder of Joseph Smith and the expulsion of Mormons in the 1840s |
Illinois officials apologize for the murder of Joseph Smith and the expulsion of Mormons in the 1840s. |
7 May 2004 | USA apology for the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison |
At a press conference with Jordanian King Abdullah, U.S. President George W. Bush apologizes for the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison. |
“Bush Apologizes for Iraqi Prisoner Abuse.” www.foxnews. May 7, 2004. |
7 May 2004 | USA. apology for the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners |
U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld apologizes for the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners and takes responsibility for failing to notify Congress and the president of the abuse. |
Shanker, Thom and Eric Schmitt. “The Struggle For Iraq.” New York Times. May 8, 2004. |
11 June 2004 | South Osettian leader asks for compensation from Georgia. |
South Ossetian leader Eduard Kokoity says that relations with Georgia would be resumed only once Georgia had compensated South Ossetia “for the damage done by the aggression at the start of the 1990s,” estimating this to be worth over US$1bn (R34bn). He also demanded an apology and acknowledgement from the Georgian parliament for “the genocide of the South Ossetian people during the 1989-1991 period.” |
German, Tracey C. and Benjamin Bloch. “The South Ossetia Conflict: Collision of Georgian and Russian Interests.” Politique Étrangère. January, 2006. p51-64 |
23 June 2004 | Saudi Arabia terrorists who surrender within a month will be safe |
Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah announces that terrorists who surrender within a month will be safe but will be dealt with according to Islamic law. |
“Saudis offer terrorists month to surrender.” www.cnn.com 6/23/04. |
15 July 2004 | Albania compensates politically persecuted persons. |
Albania passes a “Law on Compensation of the Formerly Politically Persecuted Persons.” Albanians who were politically persecuted were to be compensated over a 10-15 year period. |
“Albania, Missing Persons From the Communist Era: A Needs Assessment.” International Commission on Missing Persons. March 2, 2021. p5-6. |
22 September 2004 | Former televangelist Jimmy Swaggart apologizes for threatening to kill any man who looked at him romantically |
Former televangelist Jimmy Swaggart apologizes for threatening to kill any man who looked at him romantically. |
“Swaggart apologizes after remark about ‘killing’ gay men.” USA Today. September 22, 2004. |
5 November 2004 | Chilean army- human rights abuses during the regime of General Pinochet |
General Juan Espinosa announces that the Chilean army will assume responsibility and collective “institutional” blame for human rights abuses during the regime of General Pinochet. Previously, the army had dismissed the abuses as the result of individual “excesses” rather than a deliberate policy. |
“Chilean army admits abuses.” The Montreal Gazette. 11/6/04. See also Rother, Larry. “A Torture Report Compels Chile to Reassess Its Past.” New York Times. 11/28/04. |
27 November 2004 | Catholic Church -Orthodox church return of the bones of the most revered saints in the Orthodox church |
Pope John Paul II returns the bones of the most revered saints in the Orthodox church. He called the return “a blessed occasion to purify our wounded memories, to cleanse our journey of reconciliation.” However, Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarr-Vallis denies that the Pope was “asking pardon” for the Church removing the relics from Constantinople to Rome. |
Fisher, Ian. “In a Gesture of Conciliation, the Pope Returns Orthodox Relics.” New York Times. 11/28/04. |
December 2004 | Morocco truth commission- human rights abuses |
Morocco initiates an official truth commission to investigate human rights abuses from 1956 to 1999. |
“Morocco Confronts Rights Abuses in Its Past, but Not the Abusers.” New York Times. December 26, 2004. p19. |
10 December 2004 | Tacoma, a seven judge panel symbolically exonerates Nisqually Indian Chief Leschi |
In Tacoma, a seven judge panel symbolically exonerates Nisqually Indian Chief Leschi, who was hanged during an Indian war in 1858. |
“Indian Chief Hanged in 1858 Is Cleared.” New York Times. December 12, 2004. |
January 2005 | J.P. Morgan Chase -involvement in the slave trade two centuries ago |
J.P. Morgan Chase apologizes for involvement in the slave trade two centuries ago. |
Nobles, Melissa. The Politics of Official Apologies. Cambridge, 2008. p165-6. |
22 January 2005 | Newfoundland and Labrador- the relocation of Inuit communities in the 1950s |
Premier Danny Williams of Newfoundland and Labrador apologizes for the relocation of Inuit communities in the 1950s. |
http://www.releases.gov.nl.ca/releases/2005/exec/0122n03.htm |
9 February 2005 | British Prime Minister Tony Blair apologizes for the wrongful imprisonment of 11 people in relation to IRA bombings |
British Prime Minister Tony Blair apologizes for the wrongful imprisonment of 11 people in relation to IRA bombings in 1974. |
http://news.bbc.co/uk/go/pr/fr/-/1/hi/uk/4249953.stm. February 9, 2005. |
13 April 2005 | USA award of $21.8 million to Jewish families |
A U.S. federal judge approves an award of $21.8 million to surviving members of two Jewish families whose sugar company in Vienna was seized and “aryanized” shortly after Nazi Germany annexed Austria. |
“For Betrayal by Swiss Bank and Nazis, $21 Million.” New York Times. April 14, 2005. |
17 April 2005 | Japan China apology for damage to Japanese diplomatic missions in anti-Japan protests |
Japan demands that China apologize for damage to Japanese diplomatic missions in violent anti-Japan protests. China rejects Japan’s demand. |
“Japan demands apology from China.” www.cnn.com. April 16, 2005; “Beijing rejects Tokyo demand for apology.” www.cnn.com. April 17, 2005. |