Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Udi Lebel, Shoshana Luwisch-Omer, Chaya Possick.  2018.  “Backstage Autonomy”: Religious-Zionist State Widows in Second Marriages Manage Competing Expectations. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. 39(3):336–358.
Robert Sibarani.  2018.  Batak Toba society’s local wisdom of mutual cooperation in Toba Lake area: a linguistic anthropology study. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare. 11(1):40–55.
I. Knez, A. Butler, \AA Ode Sang, E. \AAngman, I. Sarlöv-Herlin, A. \AAkerskog.  2018.  Before and after a natural disaster: Disruption in emotion component of place-identity and wellbeing. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 55:11–17.
Sandrine Sanos.  2018.  Being in Parentheses: Memory, Sex, and Jewishness in Diane Kurys's Visions of May’68.
Ariel Rudy.  2018.  Between Heaven and Earth: Collective Memory Across Time and Place in the Quilts of Harriet Powers.
Victoria Carpenter.  2018.  Between the Stone and the Mirror: Tlatelolco 1968 Massacre and Poetic Debates on the History of Violence. Chasqui.
Constance de Saint-Laurent.  2018.  Beyond Collective Memory.
Karl K. Szpunar, Jason CK Chan.  2018.  Beyond communication: Episodic memory is key to the self in time. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 41
Thomas Crotty.  2018.  Beyond Genocide: a comparative analysis of the elimination of Australia’s Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander people. NEW: Emerging scholars in Australian Indigenous Studies. 2(1):32–37.
Eric Dickey.  2018.  Beyond the Limits of Representation: The Use of Humor and the Unusual Narrator in Max Aub's Manuscrito Cuervo. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (Etapa I). (1):83–100.
Abba A. Abba.  2018.  Birth, death, and re-birth: The trope of eternal rejuvenation in Isidore Diala’s The Lure of Ash. The Journal of Commonwealth Literature. :0021989418773138.
David Graus, Daan Odijk, Maarten de Rijke.  2018.  The birth of collective memories: Analyzing emerging entities in text streams. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 69(6):773–786.
Claire Gorrara.  2018.  Black October: Comics, Memory, and Cultural Representations of 17 October 1961. French Politics, Culture & Society. 36(1):128–147.
Katia Pizzi.  2018.  Blood, Sand, and Stone. Transmissions of Memory: Echoes, Traumas, and Nostalgia in Post–World War II Italian Culture. :109.
Stephen Hopkins.  2018.  Bobby sands, martyrdom and the politics of Irish republican memory. :263–286.
Elyse Semerdjian.  2018.  Bone memory: the necrogeography of the Armenian Genocide in Dayr al-Zur, Syria. Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 4(1):56–75.
Manuel Altamirano García, Eva Alarcón García.  2018.  Bone tools for the deceased: Approaches to the worked osseous assemblage from the Bronze Age funerary cave of Biniadris (Menorca, Spain). Quaternary International. 472:108–114.
Christina R. Steidl.  2018.  Book Review: Above the shots: An oral history of the Kent State shootings.
Natalia Kovalyova.  2018.  Book Review: Handbook of Culture and Memory by Wagoner, B.(Ed.).
David Allen.  2018.  Book Review: Reinstating Muted Voices: Katherine M. Hockey, Madison N. Pierce & Francis Watson (eds), Muted Voices of the New Testament: Readings in the Catholic Epistles and Hebrews.
Kjell Anderson.  2018.  Book Review: Violence as a Generative Force: Identity, Memory, and Nationalism in a Balkan Community. Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal. 12(1):11.
Lisa Anderson.  2018.  Bread, dignity and social justice: Populism in the Arab world. Philosophy & Social Criticism. 44(4):478–490.
William Hirst, Alin Coman.  2018.  Building a Collective Memory: The Case for Collective Forgetting. Current opinion in psychology.
Tatjana Takševa.  2018.  Building a Culture of Peace and Collective Memory in Post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sarajevo's Museum of War Childhood. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism. 18(1):3–18.
John O’Loughlin, Vladimir Kolosov.  2018.  Building identities in post-Soviet “de facto states”: cultural and political icons in Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia, Transdniestria, and Abkhazia. Eurasian Geography and Economics. :1–25.