Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Madina Tlostanova.  2018.  Decolonizing the Postsocialist Childhood Memories. :271–278.
Eleftheria Pappa.  2018.  Depoliticizing Archaeology for Constructing Pasts and Presents: Cultural Heritage, War, and the West. Radical History Review. 2018(130):9–43.
Werner Bohleber.  2018.  Destructiveness, intersubjectivity and trauma: The identity crisis of modern psychoanalysis.
Tim Rowse, Emma Waterton.  2018.  The ‘difficult heritage’of the Native Mounted Police. Memory Studies. :1750698018766385.
Luis Fernando Sayão.  2018.  Digitization of cultural collections: reuse, curation and preservation. Seminário Serviços de Informação em Museus. :245–258.
Victoria Goddard.  2018.  Discomforting ethnography and contentious biographies: the case of Argentina. Social Anthropology. 26(1):44–59.
Ruth Wodack.  2018.  Discourses about nationalism.
John Poulter.  2018.  The discursive reconstruction of memory and national identity: The anti-war memorial the Island of Ireland Peace Park. Memory Studies. 11(2):191–208.
Elie Podeh.  2018.  A Distorted Other: Jews, Israel and the Arab–Israeli Conflict in Egyptian School Textbooks. :141–165.
Suzanne Fairbanks.  2018.  Diverse worlds and the collective archive at the University of Melbourne. Archives and Manuscripts. :1–6.
Cyrielle Garson.  2018.  Does Verbatim Theatre Still Talk the Nation Talk? Journal of Contemporary Drama in English. 6(1):206–219.
Catherine Hall.  2018.  Doing reparatory history: bringing ‘race’and slavery home. Race & Class. :0306396818769791.
Ana Mijić.  2018.  Don’t talk about the Elephant: silence and ethnic boundaries in postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina. Human Studies. 41(1):137–156.
Hanna Biran.  2018.  The dreaming soldier. :29–45.
Ruth Rubinstein.  2018.  Dress codes: Meanings and messages in American culture.
Alejandra Armitage.  2018.  Drowned Histories. re: think-a journal of creative ethnography. 1(1):7–10.
Loredana Salis.  2018.  The Duty and Pleasure of Memory: Constance Markievicz. Studi irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies. (7):431–453.
Mark L. Howe, Lauren M. Knott, Martin A. Conway, J. K. Ackil, M. S. Zaragoza, D. R. Addis, M. Barsense, A. Duarte, L. Akehurst, R. Milne.  2018.  The effect of mood on false memory for emotional DRM word lists. 34:1–42.
Martin M. Fagin.  2018.  Effects of Conversations with Sites of Public Heritage on Collective Memory. The Oxford Handbook of Public Heritage Theory and Practice. :405.
Masao Kubo, Nhuhai Phung, Hiroshi Sato.  2018.  Efficient collective search by agents that remember failures. JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS NETWORKING AND ARTIFICIAL LIFE. 5(1):67–70.
Nadeem Karkabi.  2018.  Electro-Dabke: Performing Cosmopolitan Nationalism and Borderless Humanity. Public Culture. 30(1):173–196.
Stoyan Stoyanov, Richard Woodward, Veselina Stoyanova.  2018.  The embedding of transnational entrepreneurs in diaspora networks: leveraging the assets of foreignness. Management International Review. 58(2):281–312.
Barbie Zelizer.  2018.  Epilogue: Timing the study of news temporality. Journalism. 19(1):111–121.
Jeremy Henry, Carl Craver.  2018.  Episodic memory and the witness trump card. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 41
Alin Coman.  2018.  Episodic memory is as much about communicating as it is about relating to others. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 41