Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Catherine Strong.  2018.  BURNING PUNK AND BULLDOZING CLUBS. The Routledge Companion to Popular Music History and Heritage. :167.
Jed I. Macdonald, Kai Logemann, Elias T. Krainski, Þorsteinn Sigurḥsson, Colin M. Beale, Geir Huse, Solfrid S. Hjøllo, Guḥrún Marteinsdóttir.  2018.  Can collective memories shape fish distributions? A test, linking space-time occurrence models and population demographics Ecography. 41(6):938–957.
Angela Failler.  2018.  Canada 150: exhibiting national memory at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Citizenship Studies. 22(4):358–380.
Carolyn Birdsall, Danielle Drozdzewski.  2018.  Capturing commemoration: Using mobile recordings within memory research. Mobile Media & Communication. 6(2):266–284.
Jiawei Chen, Benjamin V. Hanrahan, Chien Wen Yuan, John M. Carroll.  2018.  Capturing community in mobility: Mobile methods for community informatics. Mobile Media & Communication. 6(2):163–178.
Anna Prashizky, Larissa Remennick.  2018.  Celebrating Memory and Belonging: Young Russian Israelis Claim Their Unique Place in Tel-Aviv’s Urban Space. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. 47(3):336–366.
Simon Nugent.  2018.  Celtic music and Hollywood cinema: Representation, stereotype, and affect. :107–123.
Lucie Straková.  2018.  Changes in the Area of Extended Collective Management in Relation to Memory and Educational Institutions in the Light of the Czech Amended Copyright Act.. Grey Journal (TGJ). 14
Anna Kadyka\lo.  2018.  The Chechen Wars–“a Mistake”,“Disgrace” or “National Tragedy” of Russia? The Image of Russian-Chechen Conflicts in Russia’s History Textbooks Annals of Arts. 65(7):79–101.
Marco Giugni, Maria T. Grasso.  2018.  Citizens and the crisis: Experiences, perceptions, and responses to the Great Recession in Europe.
Rebecca Sheehan.  2018.  City of Remembering: A History of Genealogy in New Orleans by Susan Tucker. Journal of Southern History. 84(2):490–491.
Partha Mitter.  2018.  A Clash of Colonial and Indigenous Chronologies: The Case of India. Time in the History of Art: Temporality, Chronology and Anachrony. :4.
Yasunobu Sumikawa, Adam Jatowt.  2018.  Classifying Short Descriptions of Past Events. :729–736.
Michael Richardson.  2018.  Climate Trauma, or the Affects of the Catastrophe to Come. Environmental Humanities. 10(1):1–19.
Simone Shu-Yeng Chung.  2018.  The Coliseum Theatre, Kuala Lumpur: A Site for Collective Engagement, A Space of Urban Imagination. Fabrications. 28(2):212–234.
Mykola Borovyk.  2018.  Collaboration and collaborators in Ukraine during the Second World War: Between myth and memory. :285–308.
Kourken Michaelian, Santiago Arango-Muñoz.  2018.  Collaborative memory knowledge: A distributed reliabilist perspective. Collaborative remembering: Theories, research, applications. :231–247.
Elisabeth De Schauwer, Inge Van de Putte, Bronwyn Davies.  2018.  Collective biography: using memory work to explore the space-in-between normativity and difference/disability. Qualitative Inquiry. 24(1):8–19.
Oleg Khasyanov.  2018.  The Collective Farm Peasantry and Religious Holidays in the Volga Region in the Postwar Decade. The Social Sciences. 13(3):442–445.
Véronique Karine Simon, Einar Braathen.  2018.  Collective heritage and urban politics: an uncertain future for the living culture of Rio de Janeiro? International Journal of Heritage Studies. :1–15.
Zarah Vernham, Aldert Vrij, Sharon Leal.  2018.  Collective interviewing: The use of a model statement to differentiate between pairs of truth-tellers and pairs of liars. Legal and Criminological Psychology.
Ana Figueiredo, Géraldine Oldenhove, Laurent Licata.  2018.  Collective memories of colonialism and acculturation dynamics among Congolese immigrants living in Belgium. International journal of intercultural relations. 62:80–92.
Xiliang Guo.  2018.  Collective Memory and Cultural Symbol: on the Culture of Place Names in Zhengzhou Street. Journal of Landscape Research. 10(3):73–75.
Danijel Vojak.  2018.  Collective memory and selective memorization of commemorating of Roma victims during Second World War (Samudaripen) in the socialistic Croatia, 1945-1991.
Raluca Abăseacă.  2018.  Collective memory and social movements in times of crisis: the case of Romania. Nationalities Papers. 46(4):671–684.