Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
John Hocking, Chiara Biagioni.  2018.  Out of the box, into the world: the contribution of archives and archivists to today’s world. Comma. 2016(1-2):15–24.
Russell Belk.  2018.  Ownership: The Extended Self and the Extended Object. :53–67.
Sonia Alconini, R. Alan Covey.  2018.  The Oxford Handbook of the Incas.
Sonia Alconini, R. Alan Covey.  2018.  The Oxford Handbook of the Incas.
Guido Beltramini, Marco Gaiani.  2018.  PALLADIOlibrary–A growing virtualization project to understand Andrea Palladio’s works. SCIRES-IT-SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology. 7(2):73–84.
Chris Reyns-Chikuma.  2018.  Panique en Atlantique: Bridging Personal and Collective Memories of L’Association and Comics History. :145–163.
Randy Stoecker.  2018.  Participatory Action Research and Social Problems. The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems. 1:39.
Randy Stoecker.  2018.  Participatory Action Research and Social Problems. The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems. 1:39.
Inari Sakki, Eemeli Hakoköngäs, Katarina Pettersson.  2018.  Past and Present Nationalist Political Rhetoric in Finland: Changes and Continuities. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 37(2):160–180.
Inari Sakki, Eemeli Hakoköngäs, Katarina Pettersson.  2018.  Past and Present Nationalist Political Rhetoric in Finland: Changes and Continuities. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 37(2):160–180.
Robert Prince.  2018.  Past imperfect: historical trauma and its transmission. :203–231.
Eileen Yuk-ha Tsang, John Lowe, Jeffrey S. Wilkinson, Graham Scambler.  2018.  Peasant Sex Workers in Metropolitan China and the Pivotal Concept of Money. Asian Journal of Social Science. 46(3):359–380.
Colin M. Snider.  2018.  “The Perfection of Democracy Cannot Dispense with Dealing with the Past:” Dictatorship, Memory, and the Politics of the Present in Brazil. The Latin Americanist. 62(1):55–79.
Stefanie Benjamin, Derek Alderman.  2018.  Performing a different narrative: museum theater and the memory-work of producing and managing slavery heritage at southern plantation museums. International Journal of Heritage Studies. 24(3):270–282.
Anwar Ouassini, Mostafa Amini.  2018.  The Pershing Myth: Trump, Islamophobic Tweets, And The Construction Of Public Memory.. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH. 12(1):2499–2504.
Vlad Petre Glăveanu.  2018.  Perspectival collective futures: Creativity and imagination in society. :83–105.
Stephan Ruderer.  2018.  The Pinochet Generation: The Chilean Military in the Twentieth Century.
Nadim Khoury.  2018.  Plotting stories after war: Toward a methodology for negotiating identity. European Journal of International Relations. 24(2):367–390.
Wolfgang Wagner, Katrin Kello, Inari Sakki.  2018.  POLITICS, IDENTITY, AND PERSPECTIVES IN HISTORY TEXTBOOKS. The Colonial Past in History Textbooks: Historical and Social Psychological Perspectives. :31.
Jon Binnie, Christian Klesse.  2018.  The politics of age and generation at the GAZE International LGBT Film Festival in Dublin. The Sociological Review. 66(1):191–206.
Sossie Kasbarian.  2018.  The politics of memory and commemoration: Armenian diasporic reflections on 2015. Nationalities Papers. 46(1):123–143.
Frank Bösch.  2018.  Politics with scandals. Germany and Britain in transnational perspective (1880-1914). Historia y política: Ideas, procesos y movimientos sociales. (39):53–77.
Catherine Strong.  2018.  Popular Music and Heritage-Making in Melbourne. :75–84.
Ben Green.  2018.  Popular music in mediated and collective memory. :224–232.
Andy Bennett.  2018.  Popular music scenes and aging bodies. Journal of aging studies. 45:49–53.