Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Tony Murray.  2018.  Rafferty’s Return: Diaspora and Dislocation in Edna O’Brien’s “Shovel Kings”. :229–246.
Marie-Noëlle Polino.  2018.  Railway workers in Second World War: Towards a reconciliation in historiography? The Journal of Transport History. 39(1):110–116.
Marie-Noëlle Polino.  2018.  Railway workers in Second World War: Towards a reconciliation in historiography? The Journal of Transport History. 39(1):110–116.
Cassidy Meredith Cleland.  2018.  Raising Expectations and Failing to Deliver: The Effects of Collective Disappointment and Distrust within the African American Community.
Michelle Frances Carmody, Michelle Frances Carmody.  2018.  (Re) Forming the State: Recruiting the Dead and Revitalizing Transitional Justice. Human Rights, Transitional Justice, and the Reconstruction of Political Order in Latin America. :177–206.
Audronė Petrauskaitė, Tatjana Rusko.  2018.  RECENT CHALLENGES OF INSTITUTIONAL IDENTITY AND CONTEMPORARY ARMED FORCES.. Journal of Security & Sustainability Issues. 7(3)
William James Earle.  2018.  Recent Work on Rationality. 49:105–129.
Karl Neuenfeldt.  2018.  Reclamation and Celebration: Kodangu, a Torres Strait Islander Album of Ancestral and Contemporary Australian Indigenous Music. Critical Approaches to the Production of Music and Sound. :98.
Dalia Habib Linssen.  2018.  Reconsidering the Image of the Blue Bra: Photography, Conflict, and Cultural Memory in the 2011–2013 Egyptian Uprising. Humanities. 7(1):27.
Loubna Youssef, Emily Golson.  2018.  Recontextualizing Resistance.
Sandra Kohler.  2018.  Reflections on Loss: Family Memory and the Natural Environment in 21st-Century German Novels. Otago German Studies. 28
Laurence J. Gould.  2018.  The Reflective Citizen: Organizational and Social Dynamics.
Jack Black.  2018.  Reflexivity or orientation? Collective memories in the Australian, Canadian and New Zealand national press Memory Studies. :1750698017749978.
Jean-François Jacques.  2018.  A relational approach to trauma, memory, mourning, and recognition through Death and the Maiden by Ariel Dorfman. :137–151.
Richard Friedli.  2018.  Religious Dimensions in Conflict Transformation: A Tentative Approach Toward a Reconciliation Methodology. :77–90.
Richard Friedli.  2018.  Religious Dimensions in Conflict Transformation: A Tentative Approach Toward a Reconciliation Methodology. :77–90.
Jason M. Moreau.  2018.  Remember Port Royal: Acadian pseudo-history and Jansenism in Henry Ketcham’s annotated Evangeline (1900). ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews. 31(2):101–104.
Emiliano Perra.  2018.  ‘Remember Without Hate’: The Holocaust as European Memory in 1960s’ Italian Television. Journal of War & Culture Studies. 11(3):223–239.
Sarah Osterhoudt.  2018.  Remembered resilience: oral history narratives and community resilience in agroforestry systems. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 33(3):252–255.
Kristina Schulz.  2018.  Remembering 1968: feminist perspectives. :29–42.
Séamus A. Power.  2018.  Remembering and imagining in human development: Fairness and social movements in Ireland. :221–235.
Eva Jablonka.  2018.  Remembering as a group: the evolutionary origins of autobiographical memory. Gissis, S. Lamm, E. and Shavit, A (eds) Landscapes of Collectivity. MIT Press, MA. :169–178.
Guobin Yang, Shiwen Wu.  2018.  Remembering disappeared websites in China: Passion, community, and youth. New Media & Society. 20(6):2107–2124.
Ann Rigney.  2018.  Remembering Hope: Transnational activism beyond the traumatic. Memory Studies. 11(3):368–380.
Jennifer R. Nájera.  2018.  Remembering Migrant Life: Family Collective Memory and Critical Consciousness in the Midcentury Migrant Stream. The Oral History Review.