Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Zheng Wang.  2018.  Memory, Perception, and Policy Making. :27–39.
Raquel da Silva.  2018.  Memory Politics, Statebuilding and Social Movement Identity.
Stef Craps, Rick Crownshaw, Jennifer Wenzel, Rosanne Kennedy, Claire Colebrook, Vin Nardizzi.  2018.  Memory studies and the Anthropocene: A roundtable. Memory Studies. :1750698017731068.
Neil Levi, Michael Rothberg.  2018.  Memory studies in a moment of danger: Fascism, postfascism, and the contemporary political imaginary. Memory Studies. 11(3):355–367.
Ainhoa Montoya.  2018.  Memory Work in the Aftermath of War. :167–199.
Erdal Çiftçi.  2018.  Migration, memory and mythification: relocation of Suleymani tribes on the northern Ottoman–Iranian frontier. Middle Eastern Studies. 54(2):270–288.
Lisa Hill.  2018.  Mining the Box: Adaptation, Nostalgia and Generation X. Open Library of Humanities. 4(1)
Joshua Harold, Eric Fong.  2018.  Mnemonic Institutions and Residential Clustering: Jewish Residential Patterns in Toronto. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie. 55(2):257–277.
Simón Escoffier.  2018.  Mobilisational citizenship: sustainable collective action in underprivileged urban Chile. Citizenship Studies. :1–22.
Joshua Harold, Eric Fong.  2018.  Mobilizing memory: collective memory schemas and the social boundaries of Jews in Toronto. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 41(2):343–361.
Piet Strydom.  2018.  The modern cognitive order, cosmopolitanism and conflicting models of world openness: towards a critique of contemporary social relations. :100–112.
Susan Gunasti.  2018.  Mona Hassan, Longing for the Lost Caliphate: A Transregional History.
William Hirst, Gerald Echterhoff.  2018.  More to episodic memory than epistemic assertion: The role of social bonds and interpersonal connection. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 41
Philip Drake.  2018.  ‘Mortgaged to music’: New retro movies in 1990s Hollywood cinema.
Soo Hong Chew, Wei Huang, Xiaojian Zhao.  2018.  Motivated False Memory.
Ola Nordhall, Igor Knez.  2018.  Motivation and Justice at Work: The Role of Emotion and Cognition Components of Personal and Collective Work Identity. Frontiers in psychology. 8:2307.
Nina Cesare, Jennifer Branstad.  2018.  Mourning and memory in the twittersphere. Mortality. 23(1):82–97.
Michele Martini.  2018.  Mourning for a hacktivist: grieving the death of Aaron Swartz on a digital memorial. Media, Culture & Society. 40(2):228–245.
Pyong Gap Min.  2018.  The movement to promote an ethnic language in American schools: The Korean community in the New York–New Jersey area. Ethnicities. :1468796817754126.
Ernest Patrick Monte, Doseline Kiguru.  2018.  Music, memory and forgetting: patriotic choral music in Kenya. SAMUS: South African Music Studies. 36(1):110–128.
Nena Močnik.  2018.  Narrated Silence in Sexual Scripts of War Rape Survivors: Hidden Transmission of Violent Sexual Patterns. Sexuality & Culture. :1–15.
Naïma Hachad.  2018.  Narrating Tazmamart: visceral contestations of Morocco’s transitional justice and democracy. The Journal of North African Studies. 23(1-2):208–224.
Arno van der Hoeven.  2018.  Narratives of popular music heritage and cultural identity: The affordances and constraints of popular music memories. European Journal of Cultural Studies. 21(2):207–222.
Michel Laronde.  2018.  Narrativizing foreclosed history in ‘postmemorial’fiction of the Algerian War in France: October 17, 1961, a case in point. Reimagining North African immigration: Identities in flux in French literature, television and film. :134.
Rita Juliana Soares Poloni, Maria Leticia Mazzucchi Ferreira, Darlan De Mamman Marchi.  2018.  National Identities, New Actors, and Management of World Heritage Sites: The Case of Ouro Preto and a Jesuit Mission of the Guaranis in Brazil. :195–207.