
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Government of Greenland approves historic National Action Plan to comply with UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. For decades it has been documented that many children in Greenland live under very difficult conditions. Greenland has major socioecomic problems, including care neglect and high levels of suicide and substance abuse.

Monday, April 13, 2020
NEW YORK — The first two weeks of April the Columbia University Institute for the Study of Human Rights (through its Indigenous Peoples Rights Program) held an online three-day seminar titled “Indigenous Women Leaders at Columbia.” The virtual seminar is part of the 7th annual Global Leadership School of Indigenous Women program. 
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

UPDATE: The deadline for applications has now passed. Please check again next year to submit your application for 2021.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Please find the outcome document for the International Symposium on Indigenous Peoples and Borders held at Columbia University on November 11th & 12th , 2019 here.

You can also review the videos for each the panels held during the Symposim here