Theatre, performance, and memory politics in Argentina Brenda G Werth. 2010. Theatre, performance, and memory politics in Argentina.
Embodied memory: the theatre of George Tabori Anat Feinberg. 1999. Embodied memory: the theatre of George Tabori.
The 1906 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Law and the Politics of Race and Memory in Early-Twentieth-Century Kentucky Anne E. Marshall. 2011. The 1906 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Law and the Politics of Race and Memory in Early-Twentieth-Century Kentucky. The Journal of the Civil War Era. 1(3):368-393.
Peterborough In Memoriam P. K. Brask. 2011. Peterborough In Memoriam. Canadian Theatre Review. 145(1):52-55.
Memory, Allegory, and Testimony in South American Theater: Upstaging Dictatorship Ana Elena Puga. 2008. Memory, Allegory, and Testimony in South American Theater: Upstaging Dictatorship. Routledge advances in theatre and performance studies. :284.
Memory's Dramas, Modernity's Ghosts: Thornton Wilder, Japanese Theater, and Paula Vogel's The Long Christmas Ride Home Joanna Mansbridge. 2012. Memory's Dramas, Modernity's Ghosts: Thornton Wilder, Japanese Theater, and Paula Vogel's The Long Christmas Ride Home. Comparative Drama. 46(2):210-235.
Marketing and the Symbolic Value of a Performing Arts Institution: The Case Study of the Czech National Theatre Zuzana Chytková, Jitka Černá, Miroslav Karlíček. 2016. Marketing and the Symbolic Value of a Performing Arts Institution: The Case Study of the Czech National Theatre. Periodica Polytechnica: Social & Management Sciences. 24(1):25-33.
African Queens and Italian History: The Cultural Politics of Memory and Resistance in Teatro delle Albe’s Lunga vita all’albero and Gabriella Ghermandi’s Regina di fiori e di perle Clarissa Clò. 2010. African Queens and Italian History: The Cultural Politics of Memory and Resistance in Teatro delle Albe’s Lunga vita all’albero and Gabriella Ghermandi’s Regina di fiori e di perle. Research in African Literatures. 41(4):26-42.
Violence, Memory, and America Alex McLean. 2011. Violence, Memory, and America. Canadian Theatre Review. 145(1):94-97.