"Striking Passages": Memory and the Romantic Imprint Ashley Miller. 2011. "Striking Passages": Memory and the Romantic Imprint. Studies in Romanticism. 50(1):29-53.
Partitions of Memory: Wounds and Witnessing in Cyprus Rebecca Bryant. 2012. Partitions of Memory: Wounds and Witnessing in Cyprus. Comparative Studies in Society & History. 54(2):332-360.
Revisiting the Past: History and Historical Memory during the Leningrad Blockade Alexis Peri. 2011. Revisiting the Past: History and Historical Memory during the Leningrad Blockade. Soviet & Post-Soviet Review. 38(2):105-129.
Social memory in the age of knowledge Susanne Küchler. 2011. Social memory in the age of knowledge. International Social Science Journal. 62(203/204):57-66.
The Work of Memory: Time, Identity, and Justice W. James Booth. 2008. The Work of Memory: Time, Identity, and Justice. Social Research. 75(1):237-262.
Diaspora and Nation Andreas Huyssen. 2007. Diaspora and Nation. Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex & Race. 13(1):81-96.
Rhetorical studies and national identity construction M. Lane Bruner. 2011. Rhetorical studies and national identity construction. National Identities. 13(4):403-414.
Myth, memory, and the American outlaw Joseph F. Spillane. 1999. Myth, memory, and the American outlaw. Oral History Review. 26(1):113.
Strategies of Memory: History, Social Memory, and the Community Jenéa Tallentire. 2001. Strategies of Memory: History, Social Memory, and the Community. Social History / Histoire Sociale. 34(67):197-212.
Mythologizing Memories: A Critique of the Utah Korean War Memorial Suhi Choi. 2012. Mythologizing Memories: A Critique of the Utah Korean War Memorial. Public Historian. 34(1):61-82.