Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Riccardo Steiner.  2018.  " Et in Archivio...[a] Pearl": a personal appreciation of Pearl King's work as a historian and archivist of psychoanalysis. :54–65.
Ana Bărbulescu.  2018.  ETHNOCENTRIC MINDSCAPES AND MNEMONIC MYOPIA. Holocaust Public Memory in Postcommunist Romania. :3.
Ana Milosevic.  2018.  EU Politics of memory: shared past, common challenges, common future.
John E. Richardson.  2018.  Evoking values or doing politics?
Elspeth Frew.  2018.  Exhibiting Death and Disaster: Museological Perspectives. :693–706.
Wai-Chung Ho.  2018.  Exhibiting the Past: The Politics of Nationalism, Historical Memory, and Memory Practices in China’s Culture and Education. :25–53.
Petr Matous, Yasuyuki Todo.  2018.  An experiment in strengthening the networks of remote communities in the face of environmental change: leveraging spatially distributed environmental memory. Regional Environmental Change. :1–12.
Richard Harris, Rosemary Reynolds.  2018.  Exploring teachers’ curriculum decision making: insights from history education. Oxford Review of Education. 44(2):139–155.
Leslie Barnes.  2018.  Exposed: The Scandalous Story of Sex Work in Cambodia. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies. 22(1):40–48.
Liang Yi, Robert Albrecht.  2018.  Extending McLuhan (L). Explorations in Media Ecology. 17(2):173–179.
Reine Rydén.  2018.  Extreme long-term preservation of information-who cares? Swedish opinions about nuclear waste information. Information Research. 23(1)
Lorraine Daston.  2018.  Fear and Loathing of the Imagination in Science. :73–96.
Celia B. Harris, Amanda J. Barnier, John Sutton, Greg Savage.  2018.  Features of Successful and Unsuccessful Collaborative Memory Conversations in Long-Married Couples. Topics in cognitive science.
Jennifer Griffiths.  2018.  Feminist Interventions in Trauma Studies. Trauma and Literature. :181.
Patricia San Jose Rico.  2018.  Flying away: Voluntary diaspora and the spaces of trauma in the African-American short story.
Merethe Sk\a ar\a as.  2018.  Focused ethnographic research on teaching and learning in conflict zones: History education in South Sudan. 45:217–238.
Bruce C. Skaggs, Charles C. Manz, Matthew CB Lyle, Craig L. Pearce.  2018.  On the folly of punishing A while hoping for A: Exploring punishment in organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Henrietta M. Nyamnjoh.  2018.  Food, memory and transnational gastronomic culture amongst Cameroonian migrants in Cape Town, South Africa. Anthropology Southern Africa. 41(1):25–40.
LIDYA KAMBO TANDIRERUNG, Bernard Adeney-Risakotta, DR Fatimah Husein.  2018.  Forced Religious Conversion by DI/TII Movement in Tana Toraja during 1950-1965: A Study of Collective Memory and Ethno-Religious Identity.
Maurice Mitchell.  2018.  The forest and the city: interpretative mapping as an aid to urban practice in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Urban Design. 23(4):558–580.
Duncan Carr Agnew.  2018.  Forgetting and remembering the New Madrid earthquakes. Earth Sciences History. 37(1):177–206.
Van Nguyen-Marshall.  2018.  Forgetting Vietnam. A film by Trinh T. Minh-ha, Produced by Jean-Paul Bourdier. Pacific Affairs. 91(1):221–224.
Erin Whiteside, Amber Roessner.  2018.  Forgotten and Left Behind: Political Apathy and Privilege at Title IX’s 40th Anniversary. Communication & Sport. 6(1):3–24.
Davide Ravasi, Joep Cornelissen, Violina Rindova, Michael Etter.  2018.  The formation of organizational reputation. Academy of Management Annals. (ja)
Luca Andrighetto, Samer Halabi, Arie Nadler.  2018.  Fostering trust and forgiveness through the acknowledgment of others’ past victimization. Journal of Social and Political Psychology. 5(2):651–664.