Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
David Gilks.  2018.  The Fountain of the Innocents and its place in the Paris cityscape, 1549–1788. Urban History. 45(1):49–73.
Emily McDaniel.  2018.  Four thousand fish: Our language of memory. Artlink. 38(2):48.
Kevin R. Carriere.  2018.  Framing the issue: Literature, collective imagination, and fan activism. :39–58.
Haley Brown.  2018.  French Colonialism in Algeria: War, Legacy, and Memory.
Henry Rousso.  2018.  From a Foreign Country. :89–103.
Christina Simko.  2018.  From difficult past to imagined future: Projective reversal and the transformation of ground zero. Poetics. 67:39–52.
Andrea Cossu.  2018.  From lines to networks: Calendars, narrative, and temporality. Memory Studies. :1750698018777024.
Stanton McManus.  2018.  From Past to Present, Melodramatically: The Politics and Ethics of Democracy in Early Transición Spanish Cinema. Journal of Film and Video. 70(2):21–29.
Maria Teresa Findji.  2018.  From resistance to social movement: the indigenous authorities movement in Colombia. :112–133.
Roger Sansi.  2018.  From Shipmates to Soldiers. Emerging Black Identities in the Rio de la Plata-by Borucki, Alex. Bulletin of Latin American Research. 37(1):96–98.
Peter Pirker, Johannes Kramer.  2018.  From Traitors to Role Models: Rehabilitation and Memorialization of Wehrmacht Deserters in Austria. :59–85.
Ilan Tamir.  2018.  Generation 3.0: Popularity of the national German team among Israeli soccer fans. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 53(3):371–386.
Harald Wydra.  2018.  Generations of Memory: Elements of a Conceptual Framework. Comparative Studies in Society and History. 60(1):5–34.
Bruce Clarke.  2018.  Genocide, Memory, and the Arts: Memorial Projects in Rwanda of ‘Upright Men’and ‘The Garden of Memory’. :153–163.
Paul C. Adams.  2018.  Geographies of media and communication II: Arcs of communication. Progress in Human Geography. 42(4):590–599.
Paul C. Adams.  2018.  Geographies of media and communication II: Arcs of communication. Progress in Human Geography. 42(4):590–599.
J. Nicholas Entrikin.  2018.  Geography of Experience: Place and Region. Handbook on the Geographies of Regions and Territories, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. :44–56.
Zenonas Norkus.  2018.  The glory and demise of monetary nationalism in the post-communist Baltic states. Nations and Nationalism.
Bruno Lefort.  2018.  The good, the bad and the ugly: narrating social bonds and boundaries in contemporary Lebanon. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. :1–18.
Anca Parmena Olimid, Cătălina Maria Georgescu, Cosmin Lucian Gherghe.  2018.  Governance-Society-Culture: Post-Communist Policy Analysis. Revista de Stiinte Politice. (58):9–12.
S. Orestis Palermos, Deborah P. Tollefsen.  2018.  Group know-how. Socially Extended Epistemology. :112.
Vojin Saša Vukadinović.  2018.  Guerilla Aesthetics: Art, Memory, and the West German Urban Guerilla by Kimberly Mair. German Studies Review. 41(1):210–212.
Heba Ahmed.  2018.  The Gulbarg Memorial and the Problem of Memory. :175–210.
Iver B. Neumann.  2018.  Halting Time: Monuments to Alterity. Millennium. :0305829818771339.